
You are still looking for an exciting topic for your bachelor or master thesis? Here you can find a list of all open theses in our departments.

Study Programmes B.Sc. and M.Sc. Biomedicall Engineering

Theses are possible at any time in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

In this case, please contact the Dean of Studies for Medical Technology at the Faculty of Medicine :

Please support the Office of the Dean of Studies of the Medical Faculty with the following information in advance:

  • Course of studies, main focus and current semester of study
  • Planned start of the thesis
  • Preferred topic with a short justification (motivation in 2-3 sentences)

Please note: The main supervisor of the thesis is still a lecturer at the TU Darmstadt, even for theses written at the Faculty of Medicine.

For further information, please use the guidelines for the final thesis.

For general questions as well as questions about the first and second examiner at the Department of etit, you can contact the Student Advisory Service of the Department of etit:

Open Theses