
Prof. Mario Kupnik,
Head of lab

At the Measurement and Sensor Technology Group we highly value the individual arrangement of your thesis.

Where can I find open topics for theses at the Measurement and Sensor Technology Group?

At the Measurement and Sensor Technology Group we highly value the individual arrangement of theses. Therefore, we work on a suitable task with you in a personal conversation.

Please send an e-mail to Prof. Kupnik with your preferred topics and an overview of your experiences as well as competences. You will receive an invitation to a first talk.


  • Hazem Hassan, Bachelor Thesis, “Ultrasound Propagation in Different Gaseous Media”, Supervisors: Sören Soennecken, M.Sc., Claas Hartmann, M.Sc.
  • Wenna Tu, Bachelor Thesis, “Analysis of knee mechanisms for knee orthosis”, Supervisors: Julian Seiler, M.Sc.
  • Felix Besser, Bachelor Thesis, “Metal powder manipulation using an air-coupled ultrasonic phased array for 3D printing”, Supervisors: Christoph Haugwitz, M.Sc.
  • Manuel Holl, Bachelor thesis, “Ultrasonic phased array for three-dimensional wind measurement: measurement system and ray tracing simulation”, Supervisors: Christoph Haugwitz, M.Sc.
  • Anas El Baghdadi, Bachelor Thesis, “Evaluation of different transducer configurations for thermal propagation of ultrasound in human tissue”, Supervisors: Sonja Wismath, M.Sc., Nils Demuth, M.Sc.
  • Tom Middendorf, Bachelor Thesis, “Development and Construction of an Air-Coupled Ferroelectret Ultrasonic Transducer with a Design-Induced Mechanical Prestressed Membrane”, Supervisors: Stephan Schaumann, M.Sc., Nils Demuth, M.Sc.
  • Janick Betz, Bachelor Thesis, “Reconstruction of ground reaction forces from ferroelectret sensors using neural networks”, Supervisors: Omid Mohseni M.Sc., Bastian Latsch M.Sc.
  • Lea Katharina Mertens, Bachelor Thesis, “Analysis of bio-compatible ferroelectret sensors for applications in fluid environments”, Supervisors: Alexander Anton Altmann M.Sc., Sven Suppelt M.Sc.
  • Eliona Förster, Bachelor Thesis, “Development of an Automated Systems for Implementing Lateral-Flow-Tests”, Supervisors: Sören Soennecken M.Sc. Jan Helge Dörsam M.Sc.
  • Heiko Steiger, Bachelor Thesis, “Automated, non-destructive testing of sandwich elements with a 220 kHz ultrasonic array”, Supervisor: Christoph Haugwitz M.Sc.
  • Luis Nicholas Groß, Bachelor Thesis, “Wireless Signal Transmission for Signals from Ferroelectret Sensors”, Supervisors: Alexander Anton Altmann M.Sc., Sven Suppelt M.Sc.
  • Etienne Tianjing Plantade, Bachelor Thesis, “Non-Contact Object Manipulation Using Beamforming in a Stationary Ultrasound Array”, Supervisors: Jan Helge Dörsam M.Sc., Sören Soennecken M.Sc., Christoph Haugwitz M.Sc.
  • Lukas Hugo Hammen, Master Thesis, “Automatic Sensor-to-Segment Alignment in a Generic Motion Tracking Framework Using Inertial Measurement Units”, Supervisor: Julian Seiler M.Sc., Niklas Schäfer M.Sc.
  • Mark Philipp Suppelt, Master Thesis, “Development of an ultrasonic power supple system for encapsulated, sensor-integrated machine elements”, Supervisor: Felix Herbst M.Sc., Stephan Schaumann M.Sc.
  • Dominik Werner, Bachelor Thesis, “Research and Realization of Shielded Electronics for Ferroelectret Sensors”, Supervisor: Sven Suppelt M.Sc., Alexander Anton Altmann M.Sc.
  • Gabriel Repovs, Master Thesis, “Development of a 3D Printing System Based on Melt Electrowriting for Manufacturing Ferroelectret Sensors at the Micrometer Scale”, Supervisor: Alexander Anton Altmann M.Sc., Sven Suppelt M.Sc.
  • Anne Sophie Hering, Bachelor Thesis, “Event-based Wake-Up of Electronics based on Ferroelectrets”, Supervisor: Alexander Anton Altmann M.Sc., Sven Suppelt M.Sc.
  • Marius Walther, Bachelor Thesis, “Integral-based approximation methods for the simulation of sound radiation in the ultrasonic range”, Supervisor: Christoph Haugwitz M.Sc.
  • Sara Haidari, Bachelor Thesis, “Enhancing Contactless Transport with Oscillation-Based Selectivity in an Acoustic Levitator”, Supervisor: Jan Helge Dörsam M.Sc.
  • Anton Herzog, Bachelor Thesis, “Generation of Radially Symmetric Ultrasound Fields for Acousto-Optic Modulation in Tubes”, Supervisor: Jan Helge Dörsam M.Sc.
  • Tristen Dresen, Bachelor Thesis, “Analysis of textilbased ferreoelectret sensors for gait analysis”, Supervisor: Alexander Anton Altmann M.Sc., Sven Suppelt M.Sc.
  • Fabian Krauß, Master Thesis, “Development and Characterization of an Air-Coupled 200kHz Ultrasonic Phased Array for NDT”, Supervisor: Christoph Haugwitz M.Sc.
  • Pierre Mählmann, Bachelor Thesis, “Investigation of processing pure copper by PBF-LB using a green laser”, Supervisors: Romol Chadda Dr. -Ing, Felix Herbst M.Sc.


  • Paulina Gorol, Bachelor Thesis, “Acoustic simulation of a testing system for foam-filled sandwich panels”, Supervisors: Christoph Haugwitz M.Sc.
  • Max Ulshöfer, Bachelor Thesis, “Supporting diagnostics for the detection of mandibular disease using a collaborative robotic arm”, Supervisors: Sven Suppelt M.Sc., Niklas Schäfer M.Sc.
  • Elena Wiemer, Bachelor Thesis, “Investigation of microgel activation via ultrasound for non-invasive medication”, Supervisors: Stephan Schaumann M.Sc., Sonja Wismath M.Sc.
  • Carsten Kleber, Master Thesis, “Analysis of the transient response of Bolt-Clamped Langevin ultrasonic transducers”, Supervisors: Jan Helge Dörsam M.Sc., Sven Robin Suppelt M.Sc.
  • Arjan Lazaj, Bachelor Thesis, “Non-destructive material testing of sandwich panels using modal analysis”, Supervisors: Christoph Haugwitz M.Sc.
  • Maximilian Leo Amberg, Bachelor Thesis “Integration of EMG Electrodes by Additive Manufacturing of Conductive Filaments”, Supervisor: Sven Suppelt M.Sc.
  • Lucas Herfurth, Bachelorthesis, “Energy transfer via structure-borne sound into a sensor integrated fastener”, Supervisors: Felix Herbst M.Sc., Sven Suppelt, M.Sc.
  • Florian Freidinger, Bachelorthesis, “Development of an EMG Sensor for the Musculature of the Lower Jaw”, Supervisors: Sven Suppelt, M.Sc.
  • Benedikt Hench, Masterthesis, “Development of a Wearable Smart Insole System for Detecting Cardiovascular Signals via Ballistocardiography”, Supervisors: Omar Ben Dali, M.Sc., Romal Chadda, M.Sc., Bastian Latsch, M.Sc.
  • Johan Friman, Bachelorthesis, “Optimizing the coupling of ultrasound in blood vessels for non-invasive medication”, Supervisors: Sonja Wisamth, M.Sc., Christoph Haugwitz, M.Sc.
  • Klara Wenzel, Bachelorthesis, “Characterization of the influence parameters of emissivity in infrared thermography”, Supervisors: Alexander Anton Altmann, M.Sc., Jan Helge Dörsam, M.Sc.
  • Mike Schäfer, Bachelorthesis, “Recognation of intention regarding mandibular movements using electromyography”, Supervisors: Sven Suppelt, M.Sc., Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc.
  • Esan Sundaralingam, Masterthesis, “Additive manufacturing of resistive sensors for force measurement applications”, Supervisors: Omar Ben Dali, M.Sc., Bastian Latsch, M.Sc.
  • Eric Dirlam, Bachelorthesis, “Development and Construction of a Low-Cost Parallel Kinematic for the Articulation of the Mandible”, Supervisors: Sven Suppelt, M.Sc., Felix Herbst, M.Sc.
  • Daniel Lukas Schmitt, Bachelorthesis, “Constructive optimization and measurement-based validation of a camera-based optical measurement setup”, Supervisors: Jan Helge Dörsam, M.Sc.
  • Markus Bleuel, Masterthesis, “Development of an amplifier for 500kHz air-coupled high-power ultrasonic and characterization of the transducer”, Supervisors: Claas Hartmann, M.Sc.
  • Tobias Bossert, Masterthesis, “Controlling an acoustic levitator using a digital signalprocessor”, Supervisors: Jan Helge Dörsam, M.Sc.


  • Simon Dechant, Bachelorthesis, „Development and construction of a testing bench for flow measurements of gas flows“, Supervisors: Alexander Anton Altmann, M.Sc.
  • Xuan Viet Hao Ninh, Bachelorthesis, „Investigation of creep behavior in 3D-printed bolted assemblies”, Supervisors: Sven Suppelt, M.Sc.
  • Lukas Sebastian Ulmer, Bachelorthesis, „Development and Characterization of a Ferroelectret Based Sensor to Measure Static Ground Reaction Forces“, Supervisors: Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc., Bastian Latsch, M.Sc.
  • Steffen Graffe, Bachelorthesis, „Gait phase detection based on soft ferroelectric materials”, Supervisors: Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc., Bastian Latsch, M.Sc.
  • Tom Weidemann, Bachelorthesis, „Camera-based analysis of the wetting of fluids on the reflector in the acoustic levitator“, Supervisors: Jan Helge Dörsam, M.Sc.
  • Christian Kayser, Bachelorthesis, „Optimization of the mounting of Bolt Clamped Langevin transducers for acoustic levitation by means of additive manufacturing”, Supervisors: Jan Helge Dörsam, M.Sc.
  • Jan-Gode Pösnecker, Bachelorthesis „FDM 3D printing of cavities for the production of ferroelectrets“, Supervisors: Claas Hartmann, M.Sc.
  • Leon Schultz-Fademrecht, Bachelorthesis, „Analysis of transient system behavior inside ultrasonic waveguides”, Supervisors: Matthias Rutsch, M.Sc.
  • Johannes Ruppert, Bachelorthesis, „Investigation of backplates for electrostatic ultrasonic transducers“, Supervisors: Matthias Rutsch, M.Sc.
  • Fabian Müller, Bachelorthesis, „Investigation of print bed adhesion on different geometries printed using fused filament fabrication”, Supervisors: Claas Hartmann, M.Sc.
  • Konstantin Fey, Bachelorthesis, „Backlash Reduction of an Additively Manufactured Robot“, Supervisors: Sven Robin Suppelt, M.Sc.
  • Benedikt Jürgens, Masterthesis, „Performance optimization of an acoustic levitator using numerical and experimental methods”, Supervisors: Jan Helge Dörsan, M.Sc.
  • Stephan Schaumann, Masterthesis, „Muscle contraction detection based on soft ferroelectricmaterials“, Supervisors: Bastian Latsch, M.Sc., Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc.
  • Nils Demuth, Masterthesis, „Characterization of guidewires for percutaneous coronary interventions”, Supervisors: Sonja Wismath, M.Sc., Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Eric Pohl, Masterthesis, „Evaluation of gesture-recognition based on ferroelectrets“, Supervisors: Omar Ben Dali, M.Sc., Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Thomas Sebastian Büchner, Masterthesis „Development and construction of a measurement system for the determination of human lateral mandibular forces”, Supervisors: Sven Robin Suppelt, M.Sc.
  • Szymon Kolodziejczyk, Masterthesis „Optimization of Imaging of Defects for Non-Contact NDT Using a Microphone Array“, Supervisors: Christoph Haugwitz, M.Sc.
  • Benedikt Wulf, Masterthesis „Investigation in the Usage of Soft Ferroelectret Sensors for Motion Intention Detection in Humans”, Supervisors: Bastian Latsch, M.Sc., Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc.


  • Julian Kulenkampff, Bachelorthesis, „Development of 3D-printed actuators based on electrets“, Supervisors: Claas Hartmann, M.Sc., Omar Ben Dali, M.Sc.
  • Sophie Lüth, Bachelorthesis, „Investigation of Motion Assistance with an Exoskeleton Using Virtual Fixtures”, Supervisors: Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc., Bastian Latsch, M. Sc.
  • Mostafa Abdelaal, Bachelorthesis „Modeling of Human Pick and Place Movements“, Supervisors: Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc., Bastian Latsch, M. Sc.
  • Joahnnes Wilm, Bachelorthesis, ”Development and setup of an integrated flow sensor using Ferroelectrets“, Supervisors: Claas Hartmann, M.Sc.
  • Tim Engel, Bachelorthesis, „Investigation of the temperature behavior and tension of disruptive force sensors manufactured with laser-based powder-bed-fusion”, Supervisors: Claas Hartman, M.Sc., Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Lars Gudjons, Bachelorthesis, „Development and characterization of an optical measurement setup with automated calibration“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc., Claas Hartmann, M.Sc.
  • Anatoli Kasanski, Bachelorthesis, „Gesture recognition based on ferroelectrets using machine learning”, Supervisors: Omar Ben Dali, M.Sc., Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Thomas Kolb, Bachelorthesis, „Construction of a high intensity ultrasonic path“, Supervisors: Matthias Rutsch, M.Sc., Claas Hartmann M.Sc.
  • Fabian Jörg Krauß, Bachelorthesis, „Design and construction of a flow path to determine flow resistance”, Supervisors: Matthias Rutsch, M.Sc.
  • Luis Durillo Quiros, Bachelorthesis, „Ultrasonic concentric-ring array with closed loop focus correction for tactile stimulation“, Supervisors: Bastian Latsch, M.Sc., Matthias Rutsch, M.Sc.
  • Stefan Schulte, Bachelorthesis, „Ultrasonic phased-array object localization using Machine Learning”, Supervisors: Gianni Allevato, M.Sc.
  • Achref Kassebi, Masterthesis „Remaining lifetime estimation and function surveillance for embedded systems“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc
  • Alexander Anton Altmann, Masterthesis, „3D Printing and Analysis of Functional Materials”, Supervisors: Claas Hartmann, M.Sc.
  • Sven Suppelt, Masterthesis, „Measurement Setup to Support the Diagnosis of Temporomandibular Disorders“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc., Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc.
  • Christoph Haugwitz, Masterthesis, „Measurement and validation of flow profiles using aircoupled ultrasonic phased arrays“, Supervisors: Claas Hartmann, M.Sc.
  • Matthias Sachsenweger, Masterthesis, „DImaging of defects by air-coupled ultrasonic phased arrays for non-contact NDT“, Supervisors: Jan Hinrichs, M.Sc., Gianni Allevato, M.Sc.
  • Lars Stein, Masterthesis, „Wireless Motion Capture System with Kinematics Estimation Based on Inertial Measurement Units", Supervisors: Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc., Bastian Latsch, M.Sc.


  • Tobias Bossert, Bachelorthesis, „Measurement Setup to Investigate Temporomandibular Disorders“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc., Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc.
  • Brandon Nji Fobugwe, Bachelorthesis, „Fusion of optical sensor data with novel ultrasonic sensors for environment perception in ROS“, Supervisors: Jan Hinrichs, M.Sc.
  • Jan Folke Kaiser, Bachelorthesis, „Optimization and evaluation of an electronic for an active steerable guidewire with an integrated force sensor“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Willem Alexander Klatt, Bachelorthesis, „Measurement and Characterisation of Headphones in Hearing and Ultrasonic Range“, Supervisors: Prof. Gerhard Sessler
  • Chris Kornek, Bachelorthesis, „Development of a power management circuit for ferroelectret energy harvesters“, Supervisors: Omar Ben Dali, M.Sc.
  • Christoph Schülter, Bachelorthesis, „Development of a test bench for suitability tests of sensor systems for the analysis of KSS“, Supervisors: Claas Hartmann, M.Sc.
  • Lennart Vincent Widmayer, Bachelorthesis, „Minimizing the Wireless Data Transmission Latency of a Continuum Robot Using the Internet Protocol“, Supervisors: Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc., Bastian Latsch, M.Sc.
  • Yannick Bendel, Masterthesis, „Evaluation of Schlieren photography for non-contact NDT using air-coupled Lamb Waves”, Supervisors: Jan Hinrichs, M.Sc.
  • Fabian Bauer, Masterthesis, „3D Doppler using an air-coupled ultrasound phased-array for detection of human gait abnormalities“, Supervisors: Gianni Allevato, M.Sc.
  • Ida Martina Blum, Masterthesis, „Development and evaluation of a haptic training simulator for needle insertions in soft tissue“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Hendrik Kaiser, Masterthesis, „Integration and evaluation of 3D sensors for an autonomous mobile robotic platform“, Supervisors: Gianni Allevato, M.Sc.
  • Oscar Fabian Klapp, Masterthesis, „2-DOF Robotic Setup to Investigate Aiming Movements“, Supervisors: Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc., Bastian Latsch, M.Sc.
  • Ludwig Meysel, Masterthesis, „Development of an evaluation program for the metrological recording of fracture-mechanical condition variables by means of digital image correlation“, Supervisors: Fabian Conrad, M.Sc.
  • Dennis Roth, Masterthesis, „Automated needle injection into soft tissue with a low-cost articulated robot“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc., Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc.
  • Marius Moritz Winkelmeier, Masterthesis, „Robotic End Effector for Ultrasound-Guided Facet Joint“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Sonja Wismath, Masterthesis, „Modeling of the thermal behavior of a SMA actuated guidewire in the cardiovascular system“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Sarah Anna Wojcik, Masterthesis, „Measurement Setup to Investigate Temporomandibular Disorders“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc., Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc.


  • Levent Cakmak, Bachelorthesis, „Control of the filling level on the flow st rig to minimize the measurment uncertainty“, Supervisors: Claas Hartmann M.Sc.
  • Christoph Haugwitz, Bachelorthesis, „Flow metering of gases using ultrasound phased arrays“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Benjamin Heller, Bachelorthesis, „Design and start-up of protection foils for ultrasonic applications“, Supervisors: Matthias Rutsch, M.Sc.
  • Felix Herbst, Bachelorthesis, „Low-cost industrial robot for human machine interaction“, Supervisors: Jan Hinrichs, M.Sc.
  • Svenja Kadel, Bachelorthesis, „Non destructive testing of material properties using air-coupled ultrasound arrays“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Matthias Sachsenweger, Bachelorthesis, „Non-destructive evaluation using air-coupled ultrasound“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Markus Alexander Peier, Bachelorthesis, „Modelling of the dynamic behaviour of energy harvester systems based on polymer ferroelectret“, Supervisors: Omar Ben Dali, M.Sc.
  • Julian Seiler, Bachelorthesis, „Investigation of Directional Vibrotactile Feedback Based on a Wearable Haptic System“, Supervisors: Niklas Schäfer, M.Sc.
  • Tim Noack, Bachelorthesis, „Development of an electronic measurement device for sensors based on dielectric elastomers“, Supervisors: Moritz Hülsebrock
  • Robert Laszlo Sindel, Bachelorthesis, „Model validation of a planar truss structure subjected to varying static loads“, Supervisors: Robert Laszlo Sindel
  • Bastian Latsch, Masterthesis, „Design of a Constant Curvature Continuum Robot“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Ali Kerem Sacakli, Masterthesis, „Design and implementation of a bilateral teleoperation system“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc., Dr.-Ing. C. Hatzfeld
  • Moritz Weissenberger, Masterthesis, „Characterization of air-coupled ultrasound arrays for medical applications“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Moritz Woitelle, Masterthesis, "Theory and Limits of pose estimation for augmented reality applications“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger


  • Alexander Anton Altmann, Bachelorthesis, „Design and analysis of oscillator toplogies for low phase noise“, Supervisors: Jan Hinrichs, M.Sc.
  • Yannick Bendel, Bachelorthesis, „Schlieren-optics for visualizing the acoustic field of an ultrasound levitator“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Laura Bielenberg, Bachelorthesis, „Automated Needle Injection in Soft Tissue with a 7-Axis Robotic System“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hessinger, Dr. P. Beckerle
  • Ida Martina Blum, Bachelorthesis, „Sensor system for assessing human balance“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Hielscher
  • Jan Helge Dörsam, Bachelorthesis, „vertical positioning using vertical ultrasound levitation“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Rutsam Galljamov, Bachelorthesis, „Generating Human-like Hopping with Deep Reinforcement Learning“, Supervisors: Guoping Zhao, M.Sc.
  • Matti Erik Moeller, Bachelorthesis, „Influence of mechanical vibration on humans balance“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Hielscher
  • Lars Stein, Bachelorthesis, „Optimization of power electronics for ultrasonic levitation of liquids and melts“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Sven Robin Suppelt, Bachelorthesis, „Pick-up using acoustic levitation“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Johann Benedikt Augustinius Wulf, Bachelorthesis, „Robotic workspace monitoring in ROS based on ultrasonic phased-array sensors“, Supervisors: Jan Hinrichs, M.Sc.
  • Jan Eric Adolf, Masterthesis, „Force transducer with increased local resolution for electronic contact normal force measurement in terminal contacts“, Supervisors: F. Greiner, Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Gianni Allevato, Masterthesis, „Signal processing architecture for imaging using air-coupled ultrasound phased arrays", Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Albert Asmus, Masterthesis, „Ultrasonic-based acquisition of rotational speed“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc. und Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Unger
  • Omar Ben Dali, Masterthesis, „Modeling of energy harvesters based on ferroelectric materials“, Supervisors: Romal Chadda, M.Sc.
  • Nico Kück, Masterthesis, „Technical and economical investigation of current neurostimulation methods by using ultrasound stimulation as an example“, in Cooperation with TH Aschaffenburg, Prof. Christiane Thielemann
  • Vincent Bock, Masterthesis, „Effect of mechanical vibrations on human balance“, Betreuer/in: Supervisors: Jürgen Hielscher
  • Claas Hartmann, Masterthesis, „Development of a test bench for characterization and optimization of flow sensors“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Unger
  • Niklas Schäfer, Masterthesis, „Teleoperation of a 7 DOF robot with variable impedance“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hessinger
  • Steffen Elgner, Masterthesis, „Characterization and optimization of ultrasonic transducers“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Unger
  • Marco Luff, Masterthesis, „Evaluation of sensors and control methods for assistive exoskeletons with user interaction in joint space“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hessinger, Romal Chadda, M.Sc.


  • Fabian Bauer, Bachelorthesis, „Evaluation of Muscle Activity Sensors in a KAFO-Orthosis“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Hielscher
  • Andreas Hubracht, Bachelorthesis, „Regulatory Conformity of the FLEXMIN surgical robot system“, Supervisors: Dr.-Ing. Christian Hatzfeld, Johannes Bilz, Msc.
  • Hendrik Kaiser, Bachelorthesis, „Design and characterization of an audio amplifier for an ultrasound array speaker“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Fabian Kobilke, Bachelorthesis, „Studies on ultrasound transmission lines for energy transfer“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Baris Sahbaz, Bachelorthesis, „Evaluation methods for sensorimotor capabilities“, Supervisors: Dr.-Ing. Christian Hatzfeld
  • Kris Schweikert, Bachelorthesis, „Non-contact gripping with a robotic arm using acoustic levitation“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger
  • Romol Chadda, Masterthesis, „Comparison of strain measurement technologies at 200 °C considering a torque sensor design as an example“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Jan Lotichius
  • Yuguang Chen, Masterthesis, „Performance Improvement for the Ultrasonic Levitator with Numerical and Experimental Methods“, Supervisors: Dr. Han Wang
  • Eike Christmann, Masterthesis, „Modular electronic platform for situation-dependent control of exoskeletons“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hessinger
  • Matthias Rutsch, Masterthesis, „Characterization of Ultrasonic Transducer Array“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Unger
  • Jan Hinrichs, Masterthesis, „Development and design of receiving electronics for an ultrasonic phased array in air“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Axel Jäger


  • Sonja Wismath, Bachelorthesis, „Development of a force sensor integrated in a hollow needle“, Supervisors: Dr.-Ing. Christian Hatzfeld
  • Niko Faul, Bachelorthesis, „Dynamic Modelling of Serial Manipulators with User Interaction“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hessinger
  • Dominik Großkurth, Masterthesis, „Control electronics for an ultrasonic phased-array in air“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Unger
  • Ghaith Ahmed Sallam Noman, Masterthesis, „Evaluation Procedure for 2D MEMS Scanner and RGB laser diode modules“, Supervisors: Dr.-Ing. Christian Hatzfeld, Brömmer, Stabenow/Continental Automotive GmbH
  • Freya Schiewer, Masterthesis „Design and development of an acoustic levitator“, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. mont. Mario Kupnik


  • Albert Asmus, Bachelorthesis, „Design of a MIMO Controller for a pressure and temperature controlled test chamber“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Jan Lotichius
  • Romol Chadda, Bachelorthesis, „Modelling and validation of the thermomechanical behaviour of strain gauges“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Jan Lotichius
  • Steffen Elgner, Bachelorthesis, „strain gauge preparation by laser-patterning of metallized foils“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Hielscher
  • Nick Scherping, Bachelorthesis, „Analysis of the Performance of Pseudo-Haptic Feedback for Presenting Stiffness“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Carsten Neupert
  • Daniel Freund, Masterthesis, „Machine assisted handling of strain gauges for precision assembly“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Carsten Neupert/Dipl.-Ing. Jan Lotichius
  • Simone Rudolph, Masterthesis, „Development of a remote data logger for the vehicle fleet monitoring and consumer data collection in traction mode on public roads and test facilities“, Supervisors: Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hessinger, Uwe Herzog (Adam Opel AG)