Science meets Business
10. Juni 2017 – Rallye und Workshops
Die GameDays widmen sich dem Thema Serious Games sowie Technologien, Konzepten und Methoden zur Erstellung, Steuerung und Evaluation von Serious Games innerhalb eines breiten Anwendungsspektrums, z.B. Bildung, Training und Simulation, Sport und Gesundheit oder Kultur und Tourismus.
Am Samstag, dem 10. Juni 2017 ist die Öffentlichkeit herzlich dazu eingeladen aktuelle Spiele zu erproben oder auch an Workshops teilzunehmen und mehr über die Entwicklung und den Einsatz von Serious Games in den oben genannten Anwendungsbereichen zu erfahren.
The Joint Conference on Serious Games
Games, Play, Interactions and Art with Purpose
Fusion of New Technologies to Enhance Serious Games Outcome
Over the last 10 years, the use of serious games in several fields like learning, simulation, training, health, well-being, management, assessment or marketing exploded. We gained a deeper knowledge on their efficiency and effectiveness, in particular taking into consideration the needs of the digital natives’ generation, and the single or combined use of scientific and artistic fields has grown in acceptance. However, there are still several barriers in the large-scale adoption of serious games. How can these fields be combined to achieve the best possible results? How to increase the perceived quality of serious games in front of the latest emerging entertainment games? How to ensure the capacity of serious games as valuable learning and training tools?
During JCSG 2017, experts will answer these questions by presenting and discussing recent developments, focusing on merging different technologies and arts to provide cutting-edge solutions to further improve the application of serious games in multiple fields.
The upcoming JCSG 2017 will focus on the challenges and benefits of combining different new emerging technologies and methods with a special interest in mixed reality interfaces and neuroscience based tools. It offers participants a valuable platform to discuss and learn about latest developments, technologies and possibilities in the development and use of serious games. Participants can expand their knowledge in the field of serious games and experience how a fusion of several new technologies can enhance learning, assesment and clinical outcomes.