Gesellschaft für Informatik: Fachgruppe Entertainment Computing
Entertainment Computing is a growing field in computer science that covers a variety of interdisciplinary aspects. The discipline focuses on computer-supported interactive media that are entertaining or playful and represent a new dimension of digital media. While computer games constitute a central area, it also encompasses edutainment, interactive storytelling, digital performances, and serious games.
Quality Label
To promote the quality of Serious Games, based on the knowledge gained from the development of the Serious Games Information Center and the elaboration of the Serious Games Metadata Format (SG-MDF, DIN SPEC 91380) as well as comprehensive experience based on discussions with stakeholders of the Serious Games market in the context of the technology transfer project , the socalled WTT Serious Games has been founded. The overall aim of that Serious Games “lobby” association is to promote the quality of serious games in general and to provide a quality label (“stamp”) for good Serious Games. The quality label offers potential users/customers valuable information about the quality of the described serious games and thus facilitates the decision whether a game should be purchased/used or not. RAL Serious Games Gütegemeinschaft e.V.

game association

The game association 'game – Verband der deutschen Games Branche' represents the most relevant association for the games community in Germany.
The Serious Games research group represented by Dr. Stefan Göbel is acitve member in the game association, primarily in the working group for serious games, but also in the groups tackling funding aspects respectively eduction and entrepreneurship.
On the game website, section about serious games, the serious games brochure, the Serious Games Information Center and the Serious Games Metadata Format (DIN SPEC 91380) as well as the serious games stakeholder map elaborated within the WTT Serious Games approach are directly linked.
Gamearea Hessen

In addition to the game association on national level, the so-called gamearea Hessen represents the game community on regional level (state of Hesse).
Hereby, Dr. Göbel is scientific member of the advisory board.

The InGeoForum – Information and Cooperation Forum for Geodata (InGeoForum) is a forum/project of the Centre for Computer Graphics in Darmstadt e.V. (ZGDV Darmstadt).
Following the motto 'Content is King', the Serious Games research group cooperates with the InGeoForum in the field of digital twins and the use of 3D city models as realistic game environments for serious games.