Stefan Göbel (h-index: 28) Google Scholar (extern)
Selected Publications
Caserman, P., Hoffmann, K., Müller, P., Schaub, M., Straßburg, K., Wiemeyer, J., … & Göbel, S. (2020). Quality Criteria for Serious Games: Serious Part, Game Part, and Balance. JMIR serious games, 8(3), e19037.
Göbel, S., Vogt, S., & Konrad, R. (2018, October). Serious Games Information Center. In European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 143-XVI). Academic Conferences International Limited.
Göbel, S., & Maddison, R. (2017). Serious Games for Health: The Potential of Metadata. Games for health journal, 6(1), 49-56.
Dörner, R., Göbel, S., Effelsberg, W., & Wiemeyer, J. (2016). Serious Games. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Göbel, S., Mehm, F.: Personalized, Adaptive Digital Educational Games using Narrative Game-based Learning Objects. In: W. Bösche, K. Bredl (eds.): Serious Games and Virtual Worlds in Education, Professional Development, and Healthcare (DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3673-6.ch005), pp 74-84, IGI Global, Hershey, 2013.
Göbel, S., Gutjahr, M., Steinmetz, R.: What Makes a Good Serious Game – Conceptual Approach Towards a Metadata Format for the Description and Evaluation of Serious Games. In: Gouscous, D., Meimaris, M.: 5th European Conference on Games based Learning, p. 202-210, Academic Conferences Limited, Reading, UK, October 2011.
Göbel, S., Hardy, S., Wendel, V., Mehm, F., Steinmetz, R.: Serious Games for Health – Personalized Exergames. In: Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, p. 1663-1666, October 2010.
Göbel, S., Salvatore, L., Konrad, R.: StoryTec: A Digital Storytelling Platform for the Authoring and Experiencing of Interactive and Non-linear Stories. In: Paolo Nesi, Kia Ng, and Jaime Delgado: Fourth International Conference on Automated Solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-Channel Distribution, no. DOI 10.1109, p. 103-110, IEEE computer society, January 2008. ISBN 978-0-7695-3406-0
Göbel, S., Malkewitz, R., Becker, F.: Story Pacing in Interactive Storytelling. In Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, p. 419-428, 2006.
Hoffmann, A., Göbel, S., Schneider, O., Iurgel, I.: Storytelling-based Edutainment Applications. In: Leo Tan Wee Hin and R. Subramaniam (eds.): E-Learning and Virtual Science Centers, p. 190-214, Hershey, January 2005. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-591-7.ch00
Göbel, S., Haist, J., Jasnoch, U.: GeoCrystal: Graphic-Interactive Access to Geodata Archives. In Proceedings Visualization and Data Analysis, p. 391-402, Electronic Imaging, 2002.
Göbel, S, Lutze, K. Development of meta databases for geospatial data in the WWW. In: Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems, pp 94-99, ACM, 1998.

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