
Lecture Courses

Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation

Signal detection and parameter estimation are fundamental signal processing tasks that appear in many common engineering problems under a variety of names. Examples include the detection of target and the estimation of the distance to it in radar systems or the detection of information symbols and the estimation of channel parameters in communication systems. In this course, the theory behind detection and estimation will be presented, allowing a better understanding of how (and why) to design “good” detection and estimation schemes. Furthermore, programming of basic detection and estimation problems (in MATLAB) as well as reading assignment and presentation of research papers on the related topics by the participants will provide the opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of detection and estimation theory.

MIMO Communication and Space-Time Coding

Conventional wireless communication systems transmit information over time and frequency dimensions. These resources are however expensive and scarce which puts a fundamental limit on the capacity of these systems. Modern wireless communication systems exploit a third dimension, namely the space, for simultaneous transmission of multiple independent data streams over the same time and frequency resources. To this end, transmitters and receivers have to be equipped with multiple antennas (thus the name multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems) and employ advance signal processing techniques (known as space-time coding). This lecture course introduces the principles of MIMO communication systems including the modeling and estimation of MIMO channels, space-time coding and MIMO detection schemes, fundamental capacity limits of MIMO systems, and their integration in modern communication standards.

Synthetic Molecular Communications (planned for SoSe 2024)

Synthetic molecular communication (MC) is a new communication engineering paradigm, where information is encoded into the properties of molecules, e.g., their number, type, and time of release, which is in contrast to the conventional radio frequency (RF) communication systems that embed information in the properties of electromagnetic waves, e.g., their amplitude, frequency, and phase. MC is ubiquitous in natural biological systems, which lends credibility to its potential for biomedical applications such as targeting substances, smart drug delivery, and designing lab-on-a-chip systems. A network of nanomachines communicating with each other via MC can help realize the Internet of Bio-NanoThings and enable nanomachines to perform complex tasks. This lecture introduces the key principles of synthetic MCs, the mathematical characterization of the underlying processes (e.g., diffusion, advection, reaction), and the design of basic communication functions (e.g., modulation, estimation, detection schemes). State-of-the-art implementations of synthetic MC systems will be discussed and analyzed. In addition to learning an emerging new communication technology, this lecture offers students the opportunity to significantly deepen their knowledge of the fundamentals of digital communication systems by reflecting on and “re-learning” the entire communication blocks in the exciting world of biological/chemical materials.

Masters and bachelor thesis offers

If you are interested in writing your master's or bachelor's thesis at RCS, please contact us via email.

Open student assistant positions

  • Design of Liquid-Crystal-based Metasurfaces under Realistic Conditions


    Metasurfaces, also known as intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs), have recently received significant interest as a cost and power-efficient solution to enable programmable wireless signal propagation environments. One of the methods to implement an IRS is using liquid crystals (LC) due to their low cost and energy consumption. Despite the many advantages of LC-IRSs, there are some challenges associated with this technology. For instance, the time response of liquid crystals is significantly higher compared to other materials, resulting in interference when changing the set of phases in the elements. Moreover, they are affected by changes in temperature, particularly relevant for outdoor applications. The design and performance characterization of LC-IRSs under the aforementioned realistic conditions have not been conducted so far in the literature and constitutes the main objectives of this project.


    Scientific skills Basic knowledge of digital communication systems

    Programming skills Experience in MATLAB programming

    Language skills Fluent in English

    Supervisor Mohamadreza Delbari

    Interested applicants are encouraged to submit their academic transcripts, and a brief statement outlining their interest in the position to mohamadreza.delbari@rcs.tu-darmstadt.de.

    Supervisor: Mohamadreza Delbari

    Announcement as PDF