The lecture Biomedical Technology I is part of the interdisciplinary Bachelor's program Biomedical Engineering. It is offered every year in the summer semester as 18-mt-1040-vl. The content of the lecture deals with the human body, diseases and therapy from the perspective of the engineer:
- Systems theory view of physiological processes
- Disease as disturbed control circuits, therapy as restoration of disturbed control circuits
- Circulation and blood pressure in equivalent circuits and control loops
- Biopotentials: origin, measurement, signal processing and classification
- Bioimpedance analysis, bioimpedance spectroscopy, electrical impedance tomography
- Effects of electrical current on biological tissue & electrical safety
- Modeling of the lung & lung function diagnostics
- Physiological temperature control and heat therapy
- Organ replacement therapy (diabetes, cardiac assist devices)
The lecture is based on the textbook “Medizintechnische Systeme – Physiologische Grundlagen, Gerätetechnik und automatisierte Therapieführung” by Leonhardt and Walter, which you can access for free as an eBook from within the TU Darmstadt network.
The solutions to the exercises in the book can be found on the website of the Chair of Medical Information Technology at RWTH Aachen University.
All information can be found in the Moodle learning room during the semester.