Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen

The IES lab is continuously looking for qualified applicants for PhD or Postdoctoral positions. Applicants should hold a Master degree (resp. PostDocs a PhD degree) preferably in electrical engineering, micro/nanotechnologies, physics or computer science with strong relationship to microelectronics/integrated electronics. You should have already gained insight into circuit design and/or CAD/EDA systems. Very high motivation and very good german and/or english language skills are expected.

Your application should consist of a single pdf file (size smaller than 10MB) and contain the following information:

  • -Short motivation letter including postal address, email, the open position to which you are referring, and your earliest starting date.
  • Your CV (including foto, a summary of your high education, previous employments, language and IT-skills
  • If applicable: a list of previous publications
  • Electronic copies/scans of certificates (including the performance in relevant classes for this position)
  • PhD Student

    Initially 3 years limitation


    Insight knowledge in design of fast digital integrated circuits is expected.

Student Assistants

The following listing shows current job offers for student assistants.

Currently no items available.