Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Muma

Robust Data Science


work +49 6151 16-22530

Work S3|06 264
Merckstraße 25
64283 Darmstadt

  • The research focus of Michael Muma is on new robust data science theory and methods with applications in signal processing and machine learning for biomedicine and engineering.
  • He is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the ERC Starting Grant ScReeningData, which develops methods for discovering reproducible information in complex high-dimensional biomedical databases.
  • He is also PI within the LOEWE center emergenCITY and the BMBF cluster-for-future curATime.

Since 2022 Professor, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Robust Data Science

2017 – 2022: Independent Junior Research Group Leader (Athene Young Investigator) & Lecturer at TU Darmstadt

2009 – 2017: Research Associate (Post-Doc since 2014) at TU Darmstadt