Stronger stance against discrimination of any kind
Women's Assembly presents the new equality concept
2021/07/06 by Konstantin Pleil
On 30.4. this year's networking meeting of the department etit took place under the topic “ Studies and then? Career paths in etit”. The networking meeting was followed by the women's general assembly. There, the new Gender Equality Team etit was elected and the updated equal opportunities concept was presented.
The discussion panel at the networking meeting consisted of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hoog Antink, new professor for Medical Engineering at the etit faculty, Dr.-Ing. Carolin Hessinger, postdoc at the microwave technology department, and Mr. Kevin Herrmanns from the start-up PE-Systems GmbH. In an exciting discussion on the topic “Study and then? Career paths in etit”, the panellists outlined their career paths and answered and debated questions from the virtual audience.
Gender Equality Team remains in place
In the election for the new Gender Equality Team etit, Claudia Klein, Dr.-Ing. Emna Zoghlami EP Ayari, Anna Pfendler and Nina Hatje were confirmed for office. They are now the representatives of the central Gender Equality Officer of the TU Darmstadt at the Department etit for the next two years. Among other things, the team is entrusted with the promotion and implementation of gender equality measures and the administration of women's promotion funds at the department. Unfortunately, the Gender Equality Team had to say goodbye to Ms. Anissa Hadhri, who volunteered as a student representative in the team for many years.
Appointment of female professors moves into focus
An important task facing the Gender Equality Team is the ongoing development and updating of the department's Gender Equality Concept. The concept, which has been in effect since the beginning of 2021, includes measures to promote networking among the individual status groups: for example, joint lunch dates in the refectory (as soon as this will be possible again) or a newsletter that provides information about useful dates and news on gender equality topics.
Another goal of the Gender Equality Team is to promote the filling of vacant chairs in the Department etit with women. These should serve as role models for women who are interested in studying at the department and show that it is possible to make a career in a field that is stereotypically dominated by men.
Contact person for everyone
The new e Gender Equality Concept provides for a clear stance against any kind of discrimination. Thus, the team is also the contact person in cases of discrimination based on religion, skin colour, origin or other characteristics. Ultimately, however, the main task remains to achieve equality for women at the department.