Design of Liquid-Crystal-based Metasurfaces under Realistic Conditions

Hiwi Stelle

Metasurfaces, also known as intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs), have recently received significant interest as a cost and power-efficient solution to enable programmable wireless signal propagation environments. One of the methods to implement an IRS is using liquid crystals (LC) due to their low cost and energy consumption. Despite the many advantages of LC-IRSs, there are some challenges associated with this technology. For instance, the time response of liquid crystals is significantly higher compared to other materials, resulting in interference when changing the set of phases in the elements. Moreover, they are affected by changes in temperature, particularly relevant for outdoor applications. The design and performance characterization of LC-IRSs under the aforementioned realistic conditions have not been conducted so far in the literature and constitutes the main objectives of this project.


Scientific skills Basic knowledge of digital communication systems

Programming skills Experience in MATLAB programming

Language skills Fluent in English

Supervisor Mohamadreza Delbari

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