
Thanh Huynh M.Sc.



Work Günther-Scharowsky-Str. 1
91058 Erlangen

Dissertation Project

Local Multi-Modal Energy Markets

Local Multi-Modal Energy Systems with interdependent energy carriers are steadily moving into the focus of interest in the ongoing energy transition. In the electric sector, an increasing decentralization and volatility of renewable energy sources is a continuous challenge. While in the fossil fuel dominated heat sector, the necessity of decreasing environmental footprint is growing stronger. The sector coupling of heat and electric systems is an obvious answer to the prevailing problems of both sectors. In combination with load shifts and storage technologies, versatile possibilities are available to overcome the environmental challenges.

To handle the arising cluster of complexity, Local Multi-Modal Energy Markets provide a suitable answer. Market-driven approaches consider computational limits and are adapted to the needs of producers, consumers, and prosumers, respectively. Breaking down the allocation problem of energy into Bid-, Ask- and Storage Orders. Market decisions are made utilizing economic and ecological objectives concerning versatile constraints such as physical limits and availability of energy.

This thesis aims at the development of a market platform for Local Multi-Modal Energy Systems. For this, market mechanisms, mathematical optimization models, and multi-modal energy systems will be investigated. The Local Multi-Modal Energy Market will be developed and validated in the context of the research project MeFlexWärme.