Scientific support for politicians
etit professor Jutta Hanson becomes member of EASAC
11.05.2021 von Konstantin Pleil
Jutta Hanson has been appointed by the Leopoldina as a German member of the Energy Steering Panel of EASAC (European Academies Science Advisory Council). In this capacity, the expert in the field of renewable energies will advise EU decision-makers.
EASAC is an association of the National Academies of Sciences of the EU member states plus Norway, Switzerland and, since the 1st of January this year, the United Kingdom. EASAC provides advice to EU decision-makers by making science-based recommendations on issues of importance to Europe's citizens.
It does this by providing policy makers with detailed analysis and recommendations from Europe's leading scientists. In addition, the EASAC regularly collaborates with the EU Commission's Science Service (JRC) and the EU Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Committee.„
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jutta Hanson has been a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TU Darmstadt since 2011 and is also head of the Electrical Energy Supply Using Renewable Energies (E5) research group. The research interests of the renewable energy expert lie in the area of “cellular distribution grids" and the control of AC transistors.